TAPIE Samuel

Position Full professor
Teaching department
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Research group Geometry
Research fields

Riemannian Geometry of non-compact manifolds, through the study of ergodic properties of the geodesic flow on non-compact manifolds with negative curvature, of the spectrum of the Laplacian and of some geometric flows, and relations with geometric group theory, global analysis and other areas of geometry (conformal geometry, symplectic geometry, contact geometry…).


Riemannian geometry, geodesic flow, Laplacian, ergodic theory, global analysis, geometric group theory, geometric flows.


IECL – Site de Nancy
Faculté des sciences et Technologies
Campus, Boulevard des Aiguillettes
54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

Email samuel.tapie@univ-lorraine.fr
Phone number +33 3 72 74 54 49
Office 404

For more detail on my activities (research, teaching, diffusion of science, responsabilities…) please see the French version of my webpage.