
Economic and financial problematic in discrete-time models with multiple and non-dominated priors

Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire Probabilités et Statistique Date/heure : 8 février 2018 10:45-11:45 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Laurence Carassus Résumé :

We will present some financial and economic problematics arising in discrete-time financial/economic models with a finite time horizon under non-dominated model uncertainty. This means that there exists a set of probability measures representing the agent beliefs and that this set is not dominated by a reference measure.

The technics are based on dynamic programming and measurable selection. We also use analytic sets which display the nice property of being stable by projection or countable unions and intersections but fail to be stable by complementation.

Comportement multifractal de la fonction de Brjuno

Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Nancy-Metz Date/heure : 8 février 2018 14:30-15:30 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Bruno Martin Résumé :
