
Titre à venir

Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire des doctorants Date/heure : 28 mai 2019 14:00-15:00 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Fiona Gottschalk Résumé :

Résume à venir

Pseudodifferential operators of Toeplitz type

Catégorie d'évènement : Colloquium Date/heure : 28 mai 2019 16:30-17:30 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Résumé :

Joerg Seiler (Turin)


There are many examples of calculi/algebras of pseudodifferential operators that have been designed to analyze different sorts of elliptic partial differential operators, in particular to characterize their Fredholm property and regularity properties of solutions of associated pde’s in suitable function spaces, using a parametrix construction within the algebra. This ranges from  pseudodifferential operators on smooth closed manifolds (where ellipticity of an operator is characterized by the invertibility of its homogeneous principal symbol) to operator algebras for singular manifolds like manifolds with conical points, edges, and corners (where ellipticity is characterized by a hierarchy of principal symbols associated with the stratification of the manifold). Also boundary value problems can be treated in such a way. L. Boutet de Monvel developed a calculus for smooth manifolds with boundary which allows to treat classical boundary conditions like Dirichlet or Neumann conditions. Ellipticity in this calculus corresponds to the classical Shapiro-Lopatinskij ellipticity. This calculus has been extended by Schulze to also cover so-called global projection conditions, for example spectral boundary conditions for Dirac operators.

It will be discussed how parts of Schulze’s construction can be obtained in a general framework of  so-called operators of Toeplitz type associated with a given algebra of pseudodifferential operators and that a corresponding approach also applies to complexes of operators. Fredholm property in this context means finite dimension of all associated cohomology spaces. For smooth manifolds with boundary it turns out that every complex of differential operators, which is fibre-wise exact on the level of homogeneous principal symbols, can be complemented with boundary conditions (i.e., a complex-isomorphism to a complex of operators on the boundary) in such a way that the resulting mapping cone is a Fredholm complex. There is a topological obstruction which decides whether these boundary conditions can be chosen from the usual Boutet de Monvel calculus or when they must involve global projection conditions. This extends and makes precise results due to A. Dynin. Parts of this talk are joint work with B.-W. Schulze.