
Group invariant solutions of certain partial differential equations

Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire de géométrie différentielle Date/heure : 7 octobre 2019 14:00-15:00 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Jaime Ripoll Résumé :

This talk is about a joint work, still in progress, with Friedrich Tomi (Heidelberg University, Germany) where one investigates the existence of solutions which are invariant by a Lie subgroup of the isometry group of a Riemannian manifold $M$; acting freely and properly on $M$, to the Dirichlet problem of a certain class of partial differential equations on $M$: Typical examples of this class are the $p$-Laplacian PDE and the minimal surface equation. This approach may reduce the study of the Dirichlet problem in unbounded to bounded domains and also allows to prove the existence of solutions on domains which are not necessarily mean convex in the case of the minimal surface equation for certain boundary data.

Hyperbolic Campana's isotriviality conjecture.

Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire de géométrie complexe Date/heure : 7 octobre 2019 15:30-16:30 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Ya Deng Résumé :

In 2008 Campana conjectured that a smooth projective family of canonically polarized manifolds over a special manifold (being opposed to general type manifolds) is isotrivial, i.e. any two fibers are isomorphic. This conjecture was proven by Taji in 2016. In this talk I will present a hyperbolic version of Campana’s isotriviality conjecture: a smooth family of canonically polarized or polarized Calabi-Yau manifolds over a hyperbolically special complex manifold (i.e. its Kobayashi pseudo distance vanishes identically) is necessarily isotrivial. This result is indeed inspired by another conjecture of Campana: a complex manifold is special if and only if it is hyperbolically special, and thus provides some (indirect) evidence to this conjecture.