
An introduction to moduli spaces

Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire des doctorants Date/heure : 17 mars 2021 14:00-15:00 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Mihai-Cosmin Pavel (IECL, Nancy) Résumé :

In modern algebraic geometry, the study of moduli spaces plays a central role in the problem of classifying certain geometric objects (e.g., Riemann surfaces, vector bundles), up to a fixed notion of isomorphism. The foremost question arising is whether we can construct a moduli space which, roughly speaking, parametrizes the isomorphism classes of such objects. The moduli space will be endowed with a natural geometric structure, which is often a scheme or an algebraic stack. In this talk we give an introduction in the theory of moduli spaces, with special emphasis on some classical examples: the Grassmannian, the Hilbert scheme, the moduli space of sheaves etc.. We will formulate the moduli problems using the categorical language of representable functors, and introduce the notions of fine and coarse moduli spaces.

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Catégorie d'évènement : Séminaire des doctorants Date/heure : 17 mars 2021 14:00-15:00 Lieu : Oratrice ou orateur : Mihai-Cosmin Pavel Résumé :

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