Afternoon Representation Theory 2

23 mars 2021
13:45 - 17:10


Catégorie d'évènement
Analyse et théorie des nombres

13:45 – 14:40: Alessandra IOZZI (ETH Zürich)

 The real spectrum compactification of character varieties: characterizations and applications

We describe properties of a compactification of general character varieties with good topological properties and give various interpretations of its ideal points. We relate this to the Thurston-Parreau compactification and apply our
results to the theory of maximal representations.

This is a joint work with Marc Burger, Anne Parreau and Maria Beatrice Pozzetti.

15:00 – 15:55: Raphaël BEUZART-PLESSIS (Aix-Marseille Université and CNRS)

Multipliers and isolation of the cuspidal spectrum by convolution operators

Let G be a real reductive algebraic group and Γ; be an arithmetic lattice of G.
In this talk, I will explain how to generalize a construction of Lindenstrauss-Venkatesh giving rise to certain operators on L2(ΓG) with image in the cuspidal subspace. These operators can be written, in the adelic setting, as combinations of convolution operators at Archimedean places and p-adic places (Hecke operators). A crucial ingredient of the proof is the existence of sufficiently many multipliers of G acting on the space of smooth functions with rapid decay (but not necessarily K-finite).
Time permitting, I will also describe one application of this construction to the global Gan-Gross-Prasad conjecture for unitary groups.
This talk is based on joint work with Yifeng Liu, Wei Zhang and Xinwen Zhu.

16:15 – 17:10: Erik VAN DEN BAN (University of Utrecht)

The Harish-Chandra transform for Whittaker functions

 I will discuss the role of the descent transform in Harish-Chandra’s approach to the Plancherel formula for Whittaker functions, presented in the posthumous volume 5 of his collected works (Springer 2018). At an earlier occasion I explained how the proof of the Plancherel theorem can be completed by using a Paley-Wiener shift technique. In the present talk I will explain how the proof can be completed in a more straightforward way, by using a suitable result on wave packets of Whittaker functions.



To register as a participant or for further information, please contact one of the organizers: Salah Mehdi or Angela Pasquale.