7 mars 2019
15:45 - 16:45
Oratrice ou orateur
Jakob Schuett
Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire Théorie de Lie, Géométrie et Analyse
Supermanifolds are a generalisation of ordinary manifolds that incorporates anti-commutative coordinates. Within the various equivalent definitions of supermanifolds, the so-called categorical approach is best equipped to deal with infinite-dimensional situations. Despite this, it has remained relatively obscure, in part due to its high level of abstraction. We present an introduction that is as close as possible to ordinary differential geometry. The theory of Lie supergroups can then be understood in terms of ordinary Lie groups. We give some important structural results for Lie supergroups, including the equivalence to super Harish-Chandra pairs for arbitrary locally convex Lie supergroups.