Fredholm Groupoids and Layer Potentials on Conical Domains

27 septembre 2018
16:00 - 17:00

Oratrice ou orateur
Yu Qiao

Catégorie d'évènement
Groupe de travail Géométrie non commutative


In this talk, I first review the method of layer potentials, with the emphasis on the double layer potential operator (also called Neumann-Poincar ́e operator) associated to the Laplace operator and a domain. Then I show that layer potential groupoids for conical domains constructed in an earlier paper (Carvalho-Qiao, Central European J. Math., 2013) are Fredholm groupoids, which enables us to deal with many analysis problems on singular spaces in a unified treatment. As an application, we obtain Fredholm criteria for operators on layer potential groupoids. This is joint with Catarina Carvalho.