Gradient estimates for nonlinear elliptic equations with a gradient term

29 septembre 2017
11:00 - 12:00

Oratrice ou orateur
Florica Cirstea

Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire EDP, Analyse et Applications (Metz)


Let $Ngeq 2$ and $Omegasubseteq mathbb{R}^N$ denote a domain containing the origin $0$. In this talk, we present recent gradient estimates for the positive solutions $uin C^2(Omegasetminus{0})$ of nonlinear elliptic equations such as $$ {rm div} (|x|^{sigma}|nabla u|^{p-2} nabla u)= |x|^{-tau} u^q |nabla u|^m quad mathrm{in } Omega setminus { 0 }. $$ We assume throughout that $m,p,q,sigma$ and $tau$ are real parameters satisfying $p in ]1,N+sigma]$ and $min{k,ell,m,q}in ]0,+infty[$, where $k:=m+q-p+1$ and $ell:=q+1-sigma-tau $. This is joint work with Joshua Ching (The University of Sydney).