Reduction of (multi)-symplectic observables

20 juin 2024
13:30 - 14:30

Salle de séminaires Metz

Oratrice ou orateur
Leonid Ryvkin (Lyon I)

Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire Théorie de Lie, Géométrie et Analyse


Let $M$ be a manifold with a geometric structure and sufficiently nice $G$ a symmetry group, often the geometric structure can be transferred to $M/G$. In (multi-)symplectic geometry, reduction procedures permit to transfer the differential form to an even smaller space. However, all approaches working directly on the space have very strong regularity requirements.
We present an approach to reducing the algebra of (multi-)symplectic observables for general (covariant) moment maps, without any regularity assumptions of the level sets (and the symmetries).
Based on joint work with Casey Blacker and Antonio Miti.