
Fibres indécomposables sur les courbes

1 avril 2014 @ 16:30 – 17:30 – Olivier Schiffmann Combien y-a-t-il de fibrés indécomposables de rang et degré fixés sur une courbe projective lisse (definie sur un corps fini), à isomorphisme près ? Nous expliquerons pourquoi —malgré les apparences !— cette question est intéressante, et à quoi ressemble la réponse. Nous expliquerons aussi le lien, encore conjectural, avec les espaces de modules de fibrés […]

Finite rank vector bundles on ind-varieties

31 mars 2014 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – In this talk I will recall a theorem by Barth, Van de Ven, Tyurin and Sato claiming that a finite rank vector bundle on the infinite complex projective space $P^{infty}$ is isomorphic to a direct sum of line bundles. Then I will describe sufficient conditions on a locally closed ind-variety which ensure that the same […]

Strongly oscillating boundaries

28 mars 2014 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – In this talk, starting from the paper of R. Brizzi et J.P. Chalot on problems in domains with strongly oscillating boundaries, I shall recall the contribution with D. Blanchard on this subject and I shall present recent results obtained with O. Guibé. A domain with strongly oscillating boundary is a domain whose boundary presents numerous […]

Some uniqueness problems in $mathbb{H}^2timesmathbb{R}$.

25 mars 2014 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – In this talk we will consider two uniqueness problems in $mathbb{H}^2timesmathbb{R}$. First, we will prove a halfspace theorem for an ideal Scherk graph $S$ over a polygonal domain $D$ in $mathbb{H}^2$, that is, we will show that a properly immersed minimal surface contained in $Dtimesmathbb{R}$ and disjoint from $S$ is a translate of $S$. Second, […]

Min-Max theory for the area functional and applications

24 mars 2014 @ 16:30 – 17:30 – Fernando Codá Marques Motivated by a foundational question of Poincaré, Birkhoff used min-max methods to prove the existence of a closed geodesic in any Riemannian two-sphere. This has inspired great developments in the field, like the Three Geodesics Theorem of Lusternik-Schnirelmann and the Almgren-Pitts min-max theory of minimal surfaces. In this talk I will give an […]

Surfaces isogenous to a product of curves, moduli spaces and finite groups

24 mars 2014 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – In this talk we shall present a group theoretical method to calculate the number of connected components of the moduli space of surfaces of general type isogenous to a product of curves. Then, we give then asymptotic growth of the number of these components for certain families of surfaces isogenous to a product with group […]

Existence et localisation de solutions pour un problème faisant intervenir l’exposant critique de Sobolev

21 mars 2014 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – On étudie l’existence de solutions de certains problèmes faisant intervenir l’exposant critique de Sobolev et avec un poids. On étudie également la multiplicité des solutions du problème dans le cas o๠l’ensemble des minima du poids admet plusieurs composantes connexes. On s’intéresse aussi au cas o๠cet ensemble possède une seule composante connexe et une […]