Supersymmetry and tensor categories

18 mai 2015
16:30 - 17:30

Oratrice ou orateur

Catégorie d'évènement


Vera Serganova

The goal of this lecture is to show interplay between supersymmetry and tensor categories. The main idea of supersymmetry is to equip all objects with parity ( [latex]mathbf{Z}_2[/latex]-grading) and modify usual identities by so called sign rule. Original motivation comes from physics and topology, for example, a complex of differential forms on a manifold is a supermanifold and De Rham differential can be realized as a vector field on this super manifold. One way to approach supersymmetry is via rigid symmetric tensor categories.

After elementary introduction to supersymmetry and tensor categories, I will formulate theorem of Deligne that any rigid symmetric tensor category satisfying certain finiteness conditions is in fact the category of representations of a supergroup.

Then I illustrate how both theories enrich each other on two examples:

  1. Decomposition of tensors in superspace;
  2. Construction of universal symmetric tensor categories and proof of a conjecture of Deligne using results of representation theory of supergroups.