Toeplitz operators on quotient domains

21 septembre 2023
14:15 - 15:15

Salle de conférences Nancy

Oratrice ou orateur
E. K. Narayanan (Indian Institute of Science)

Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire Théorie de Lie, Géométrie et Analyse


Let G be a finite pseudo-reflection group and Ω be a bounded domain in Cd which is G-invariant. The quotient domain Ω/G, is biholomorphically equivalent to a domain θ(Ω) where θ:Ωθ(Ω) is a basic polynomial map. Prominent example of a quotient domain is the symmetrized polydisc Gd in Cd. In this case, the basic polynomial map is given by z(s1(z),s2(z),sd(z)) from Dd (unit polydisc in Cd) to Gd where sj(z) is the j-th elementary symmetric polynomial. We study properties of Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces on θ(Ω) by establishing a connection of them with Toeplitz operators on weighted Bergman spaces on Ω. Results on zero product problem and commuting pairs of Toeplitz operators will be explained. Representation theory of G and projections to isotypic components play an important role in our results. (Joint work with Gargi Ghosh)