20 mars 2025
14:30 - 15:30
Salle Döblin
Oratrice ou orateur
Seth Hardy (University of Warwick)
Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Nancy-Metz
Random multiplicative functions are random models for arithmetic functions such as Dirichlet characters. Moments of sums involving random multiplicative functions are related to interesting counting problems, and understanding these counts can allow one to deduce the limiting distribution of the sums. Using this idea, Benatar, Nishry, and Rodgers showed that the limiting distribution of exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients is Gaussian. However, they found that moments do not suffice if one wishes to understand the maximum size of these exponential sums. After introducing random multiplicative functions, we will discuss why this is the case, and show how one can obtain conjecturally sharp lower bounds for the maximum size of exponential sums with random multiplicative coefficients.