Rank and non-vanishing in the family of elliptic curves y2=x3dx

27 février 2025
14:30 - 15:30

Salle Döblin

Oratrice ou orateur
Chantal David (Université Concordia, Montréal)

Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire de Théorie des Nombres de Nancy-Metz


The elliptic curves Ed:y2=x3dx, where d is a fourth-power-free integer, form a family of quartic twists. We study in this talk the average analytic rank r(d) over the family. Under the GRH, we show that the average analytic rank is bounded by 13/6, and by 3/2 assuming a conjecture of Heath-Brown and Patterson about the distribution of quartic Gauss sums. Since the same result holds when we restricts to the subfamilies of curves Ed where the root number is fixed (i.e. W(Ed)=±1), this shows that there is a positive proportion of curves with r(Ed)=0 among the curves with even analytic rank, and a positive proportions of curves with r(Ed)=1 among the curves with odd analytic rank.

Our results are similar to the results obtained by Heath-Brown for the analytic rank of the quadratic twists dy2=x3+ax+b under the GRH. For the quadratic twists, it was shown in the recent ground-breaking work of Smith that half of the quadratic twists have algebraic rank 0 and half of the quadratic twists have algebraic rank 1, under the assumption that the Tate-Shafarevic group is finite. For the case of the quartic twists Ed:y2=x3dx, no bound for the average algebraic rank is known.

This is joint work with L. Devin, A. Fazzari and E. Waxman.