Existence of solutions to the fractional Vlasov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck equation via commutator estimates

27 juin 2023
10:45 - 11:45

Salle de conférences Nancy

Oratrice ou orateur
Ivan Moyano (Nice)

Catégorie d'évènement
Séminaire Équations aux Derivées Partielles et Applications (Nancy)


We study the existence of solutions to a kinetic system
describing the dynamics of a large number of particles undergoing the
effect of a self-generated field (electrical or gravitational) and the
action of random jumps in velocity according to a $2\sigma$-stable
Poisson process. The evolution of the corresponding system can be seen
as a fractional version of the classical Valsov-Poisson-Fokker-Planck
systems in which the dissipating part is described by a fractional
Laplacian. We address the question of local existence in time of mild
solutions for this system in all natural ranges $0 < \sigma < 1$ thanks
to the use of commutator estimates à la Kato-Ponce. We also investigate
the possibility of propagating the lifespan of these solutions in the
range $\frac{1}{2} < \sigma < 1$ and get global solutions in a natural
weighted $L^2$ space, which is possible thanks to the use of fundamental
solutions combined with an approach due to Bouchut (\emph{J. Funct.
Analysis} Vol 111(1) 1993 pp 239-258.).