Postdoctoral fellowship in calculus of variation

Date de prise de Poste



2 ans>


Équations aux dérivées partielles

Lieu de travail

IECL Nancy

Profil et compétences recherchées

This is a Postdoc announcement in Calculus of Variation at the Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine (IECL), university of Lorraine, Nancy, France.

The successful candidate is expected to join PDE group and work under the supervision of Pr. Antoine Lemenant. The ideal candidate is expected to have a solid background in Calculus of variations, including but not limited to: Free-discontinuity problems, Geometric measure theory, Plateau Problem, Regularity theory, Shape optimization, Elliptic and parabolic PDE, Gamma-convergence, Varifold theory.

The candidate could also interact with the other research fields of the PDE group in Nancy including control theory, inverse problems, spectral theory, dispersive equations.

This is a two-year position which will not be extended beyond 24 months.

The expected starting date is September 1st, 2024, but there will be some flexibility on the exact date, if necessary. The position does not include any teaching duties. Furthermore, an annual travel allowance will be made available.

This position is funded by the Lorraine Université d’Excellence (LUE) program of the University of Lorraine and is related to the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) junior chair of Antoine Lemenant for the project « Regularity of minimisers for some free-discontinuity problems ».

Applicants are requested to submit the following materials:

  • A cover letter applying for the position
  • Full CV and list of publications
  • Research Statement
  • Two or three reference letters

Applications are only accepted by email. Please submit your application as a single PDF file to with the subject « Application for a postdoc position in Calculus of variations ».
Please note that the letters of recommendation should be sent separately by the referees to the email address given above.
All documents (including the reference letters) should be received by January 31th, 2024. Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed online.
Informal enquiries about the position are welcome and can be sent to the email address above.

Date limite de candidature : 31/01/2024 Fiche de poste à télécharger