
Colloquinte et pique nique

20 juin 2024 @ 09:00 – 14:00 – Voici à nouveau le colloquinte, photo d’équipe et pique nique. Tenez vous libres entre 9h15 et 14h. Nous serons en salle Döblin. Programme preliminaire: 9h15  A propos de certaines diffusions à seuil,  Sara Mazzonetto 10h00    * Pause café * 10h30  Formes limites de tableaux de Young aléatoires et discontinuités, Valentin Feray, 11h15   Processus de branchement […]

Voisin’s Conjecture and Voisin Maps

17 juin 2024 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – Voisin’s work, which constructs a series of K-trivial varieties from cubic hypersurfaces, and self-rational maps on them, called the Voisin maps, will be the focus here. Notable among these is the Fano variety of lines of a cubic fourfold, a dimension 4 hyper-Kähler manifold. The Voisin map in this case has been extensively studied. We’ll […]

Séminaire : Is the optimal rectangle a square?

14 juin 2024 @ 11:00 – 12:00 – We give a light talk on optimality of shapes in geometry and physics. First, we recollect classical geometric results that the disk has the largest area (respectively, the smallest perimeter) among all domains of a given perimeter (respectively, area). Second, we recall that the circular drum has the lowest fundamental tone among all drums of […]

Equivariant quantizations of the positive nilradical and covariant differential calculi

13 juin 2024 @ 15:45 – 16:45 – We consider the problem of quantizing the positive nilradical of a complex semisimple Lie algebra of finite rank, together with a certain fixed direct sum decomposition. The decompositions we consider are in one-to-one correspondence with total orders on the simple roots, and exhibit the nilradical as a direct sum of graded modules for appropriate Levi […]

La distribution des dérivées logarithmiques des fonctions L quadratiques en caractéristique positive

13 juin 2024 @ 14:30 – 15:30 – À chaque polynôme unitaire sans facteur carré $D$ d’un anneau de polynômes $\mathbb{F}_q[t]$ nous pouvons associer un caractère réel quadratique $\chi_D$ et puis une fonction L de Dirichlet $L(s,\chi_D)$. Inspirés par l’article de Y. Lamzouri sur les constantes d’Euler-Kronecker d’extensions quadratiques de corps de nombres, nous étudions la famille des valeurs $-L'(1,\chi_D)/L(1,\chi_D)$ lorsque $D$ parcourt […]

On the twisted Ruelle zeta function and the Ray-Singer metric

13 juin 2024 @ 14:15 – 15:15 – In this talk we will present some results concerning the Fried’s conjecture, i.e., the relation of the twisted dynamical zeta function of Ruelle at zero and spectral invariants for a hyperbolic manifold X. In particular, we consider the twisted Ruelle zeta function twisted by an arbitrary representation of the lattice.  We study then its relation to the Ray-Singer norm of the refined analytic torsion. The […]

Séminaire groupes algébriques

10 juin 2024 @ 14:00 – 15:00 – Title: Random walks on affine buildings of type \tilde{A}_2. Summary: Let $G$ be a group acting on a building $X$ of type $\tilde{A}_2$ and let ${Z_n}$ be a random walk on the group G, generated by an admissible measure $\mu$. The purpose of the talk is to investigate some properties of the measured dynamical system ${Z_n […]

0=1-1=-1+1=0, From Elementary School to Higher Algebras

5 juin 2024 @ 10:45 – 11:45 – We will explain the following meme : the connection between Hopf fibration, homotopy groups, cobordism, and algebraic K-theory. And why the formula « 0=1-1=-1+1=0 » explains everything.

Dirac cohomology and $\Theta$-correspondence for complex dual pairs

4 juin 2024 @ 14:15 – 15:15 – (Joint work with G. Liu and S. Mehdi) For the last decades, representation theory of Lie groups and algebras has been a very active research topic with a multitude of ramifications and applications. Since the work, in the 1970’s, of Parthasarathy and Atiyah-Schmid, Dirac operators have become efficient tools to describe and classify the unitary […]